Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Shivapuri national park: a place to visit and trekking

Shivapuri national park (144 sq.km.) is situated on the northern fringe of

Kathmandu valley and lies about 12 km away from capital city .The area was gazette as the country's ninth national park in 2002.

Prior its declaration as national park , it was managed under the shivapuri Waterhed Development Board an was later declared as shivapuri Watershed and Wildlife reserve.

Popular Trekking Destination within the Shivapuri park
· Panimuhan ,park HQ-Sikre (12km)
· Panimuhan, park HQ shivapuri peak(12km)
· Nagigumba-shivapuri peak (6km)
· Nagigumba Baghdwar –Chisapani (18km)
· Kakani-shivapuri
· Jhule – Chisapani(12km)
· Sundarijal – Chisapani (22km)


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