Monday, July 11, 2011

Manang: on of the best trekking route in the world

MANANG is very much popular for trekking. Pokhara is the transit station for before we reach Pokhara by bus or by plane.
All over the Himalaya is a hidden valley. Surrounded by the 8,000 m-plus Annapurna range and the great peaks of Pisang and Chulu, the valley is wild and wonderful.

Now,the Manangi people, with support from the late King Mahendra, have become prosperous traders, hoteliers, and businessmen and being a capable civilians. Many have moved down from the harsh and beautiful valley in north central Nepal down to Kathmandu,due to the wants of facilities and luxurious life.

The weather is dry and desert-like. The harsh climate ensured that the Manangi people never lost their nomadic roots. Horse-riding and archery were the most popular tools used by these people for gathering food, and these abilities continue to remain important for the community, and are celebrated each year with festivals. for more information


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